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"Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?"

Lord Alfred Tennyson

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When Jason Worthley was a young boy, he was a pretender. He built forts that became castles; his backyard a vast kingdom. His friends often helped defend against common enemies; together they would rescue damsels in distress. He loved to conjure up new and exciting stories to enact. As a teen, his stories began to manifest on paper, and he would fill them with colorful characters, sharing them with anyone and everyone who would listen. Since then, he's progressed quite a bit to formulating longer and more complex stories and sharing them with much larger audiences. As a storyteller, he is adept at using his imaginative thinking and creative flair to bring his stories to life in engaging and entertaining ways.

Though the winters tend to be harsh in southern Maine, the lands are rich with tales just waiting to be told. Perhaps it's an old tree that two young lovers used to stand beneath while courting; or a steady stream quietly meandering through the backyard, continuing deep into the magical forest. Yes, the stories are need only open your eyes.

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