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When Anna Parker was a bright, but timid, 7-year-old girl, her grandma, upon her death bed, handed her an old, antique music box. It was by far the most beautiful object she’d ever seen. Nothing of this world could compare. Grandma said it would help someday. The wonders it would bring were immeasurable.


Even at 7, Anna knew the music box’s powers were only in the ability to sooth a restless soul through song, but that was okay—she loved music, and she loved that box. She would hold onto it forever and ever.



Bullied over her weight brought insecurities at a young age, and Anna spent most of her childhood hiding in shadows. Even after losing the weight, she would meet constant reminders of her place in the world. Weakened by the taunts of her peers, she became a target; forever branded the victim.


Love had become a word synonymous with loss; that is, until her daughter, Kathryn, showed her that love could be an immovable force, a penetrator of walls. That above all else, love was a hand pulling her out of the darkness and into the light. With that adoration came an open mind, and Michael Richards strolled into her life. All the women adored him; he was dreamy, after all. But he only had eyes for Anna. They fell in love. They got married. And life, at last, could not have been better.


Until a mysterious stranger took her from her happy home, and with her…most of her belongings, too. Aimed to give authorities a scene that played as a woman fleeing her jealous husband, it would appear that Anna was lost to the world. Locked in an attic, she would be her captor’s plaything…forever.



As foretold by Grandma, the old antique music box helped. Countless beatings and continuously raped over months, the music box pulled Anna from her horror and into the strange and wonderful land she would call Reverie World. There, she would join with an unusual quartet: a vivacious young girl named Li’l Belle; two bickering blue birds, Lyle and Edna; and Goldie, a smarter than average golden retriever. But all lands, bold and beautiful, have their horrors, too. Hunted by a creature that knows only hate, and desires the taste of flesh, Anna and her friends must keep moving before they fall to the beast’s deadly and vicious wrath.


Anna, above all, will need to overcome her weaknesses and delve deep into her soul for a strength she never knew she had, if she ever expects to escape her confinement. And she must do this before her daughter, Kathryn, becomes the captor’s next victim.

Reverie World

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